Charles Grant: The Forerunner of Macaulay’s Educational Policy

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The present volume is one of the exceptional efforts to reproduce the complete authentic text of the FIRST policy document of British education in India entitled "Observations – on the state of society among the Asiatic subjects of the Great Britain particularly with reference to morals; and on the measures of improving it," chiefly written in 1792. by Charles Grant – a civil servant turned a missionary and then a politician and was elected to parliament and elevated as Director General of East India Company and had lived in India for 21 years from 1770 to 1790. The text of the ‘Observations’ is taken from the proceeding of 1813 of house of commons, published in 1832 in London. The object of the present volume is reveal the fact that Charles Grant is the fore-runner of Macaulay’s educational policy in India by writing ‘Observations’ 42 years earlier. The book is divided in three parts :- First, preliminary acquance with the subject and biography of Charles Grant; Second, an analysis of Grant’s educational ideas highlighting the educational controversy in Indian education in first four decables of 19 century; Third, complete text of the Observations. Grant saw the future educational development in India soclearly that all the Anglisists and Missionaries favoured it and finally Macaulay advocated his thesis to settle educational controversy as written in Observations.


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Charles Grant: The Forerunner of Macaulay’s Educational Policy
1st Ed.