The book has been written to pride an exact, to the point, brief and practical guide for all those who have to deal with children in any capacity. It is a systematic, clear, exact and pointed description of all the aspects of child development, child care and child Education. Presented in 30 chapters, illustrating the subject matter with lives, figures and photographs, the book provides knowledge about stages of Human Development, Heredity and Enrichment, Individual differences, physical and Motor Development, Perceptual Development, Thinking and Reasoning, Language and Communication, State Training, Learning Manual Skills, Mental Development, Emotional Development, Sexual Development, Imagination Memory and Association, Attention and Interest, Personality Development, Social Development; Group Dynamic, Moral and Aesthetic Development, Adolescence, Exceptional children, Care of Infants, Child Care, Learning and Playing, Physical Fitness and Hygiene, Balanced Diet and Diagnosis and Cure of Diseases. With his wide experience of four decades in writing in the fields of Psychology, Sociology and Education, the author has left no stones unturned to make this work an ideal guide for all those who have to deal with children in any capacity.
Guidance and Counselling in India
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