The book has been designed to depict explicitly the destructive impact of present day evils of socio-political and socio-cultural turmoil brought about by the poverty, corruption, suicide, rape, divorce, child-abuse, sex-abuse, abduction, kidnapping, premarital sex, live together etc. on the children and adolescents of age between 4 and 18. The author has supplemented her research and analytical findings by quoting scores of incidents from print and electronic media which also support her views. Her presentation shows how these evils are casting direct and indirect destructive impacts on the growth and development of the budding new generation. The author has observed gradual erosion of human values and change in their behaviour pattern and development of some psychological aberration. The teachers have to play a crucial role to impart a value oriented and man-making education. The teachers have to play the dual role of affectionate parents besides teaching. This is a maiden effort of the author who takes a holistic view of the impacts of the evils (selected about 22 issues of many) and analyse as to how their synergistic action is ruining the very backbone of the budding citizens. The policy makers, administrators and law enforcing authorities should help the teachers to protect these souls for building a better India. This duty should get topmost priority in our national agenda.
Children and Adolescents: Victim of Socio-Political Turmoil
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Children and Adolescents: Victim of Socio-Political Turmoil
1st ed.
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