Children and Youth in the Global Metropole

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In recent time, a number of formal networks of child research have been established. One of such recently formed networks is the IUAES Commission ob Children, Youth and Childhood. Majority of the contributors to this volume are members of this newly established network. One of the initial and most important aims of this networks is to encourage research about children in which children are themselves active participants as opposed to being just objects of study as they were most often in the past. This idea has been clearly manifested in the writings of the contributors to the volume. The book is a must for all students of social sciences for understanding new approaches to childhoods in changing social contexts. The volume will promote networks of researches who can develop appropriate concepts relating to childhoods along the line new approaches to childhoods. Administrators, planners and policy makers, engaged in child development/welfare, would benefit much from the volume.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Deepak Kumar Behera

Deepak Kumar Behera is Reader in the Department of Anthropology, Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, Orissa, India.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Margaret Trawick

Margaret Trawick has been Professor of Social Anthropology at Massey University, New Zealand since 1992. From 1979 to 1992 she taught at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva and New York. She received her BA from Harvard University and Radcliffe College in 1970 and her PhD in anthropology from the university of Chicago in 1978. Professor Trawick is the executive secretary of the UIUAES Commission on Anthropology of Children, Youth and Childhood.


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Children and Youth in the Global Metropole
1st ed.
viii+214p., Tables; Figures; Notes; references; Index; 25cm.