Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni: A New Voice in Indian English Fiction

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The present volume entitled Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni : A New Voice in Indian English Fiction is an exclusive study on the fictional art of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, classified in nine chapters. It provided an in-depth analysis of the horizontal and vertical growth and profundity constructed in the different novels of Divakaruni stretching from The Mistress of Spices to One Amazing Thing. It is an investigation of the issues of cultural diversities, socio-psychological burden of cultural displacement, dilemma of existence determining the psyche of immigrants, complexity of man and woman relationship, gender binaries, exotic of Indian cult of art and beauty, the post modern issues like terrorism and environment conservation. The novels The Mistress of Spices, The Vine of Desires, Queen of Dreams, The Palace of Illusions, One Amazing Thing, Arranged Marriage and The Unknown Errors of Our Lives have been appreciated to explore various dimension and experimental efforts in the selection of unconventional narrative strategies.

It is hoped that the present volume will open windows to the complex and challenging narrative art of Divakaruni. It will also help to explore the possibilities of research in the areas of feminist fiction, India diaspora, cultural studies, post-modern speculations and interrogations.


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Bibliographic information

Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni: A New Voice in Indian English Fiction
1st. ed.