Cleaner is Cheaper: Case Studies of Corporate Environmental Excellence (Volume V)

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This volume of Cleaner is Cheaper deals, of course, with some outstanding case studies of companies that have shown responsibility and initiative in conceptualizing and implementing a series of measures in practice of the ‘cleaner is cheaper’ philosophy. However, it is only a matter of time before Indian industry would also be required to mount actions for addressing global environmental problems, particularly the mitigation of GHCs to meet the threat of climate change. The philosophy of ‘cleaner is cheaper’ would then acquire a global relevance and dimension.  As it happens, actions for the mitigation of GHC emissions also have substantial co-benefits at the local level. Hence, the case studies described in this volume would provide a strong basis for exploiting some of these co-benefits for addressing both local environmental problems as well as the threat of climate change at the global level. These examples, therefore, have a larger and longer-term relevance than is apparent.


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Cleaner is Cheaper: Case Studies of Corporate Environmental Excellence (Volume V)
1st ed.
TERI Press, 2007
xvi+162p., Tables; Figures.