Contents: I. Definitions. II. Long Cases: 1. Toxic Goiter. 2. Solitary Thyroid Nodule (Nontoxic). 3. Papillary Carcinoma Thyroid with Lymph Node Metastases. 4. Multinodular Goiter. 5. Early Breast Cancer. 6. Advanced Breast Cancer. 7. Epigastric Lump. 8. Right Hypochondrial Lump without Jaundice. 9. Right Iliac Fossa Mass (Suspected Ileocecal Tuberculosis). 10. Suspected Carcinoma of the Cecum. 11. Appendicular Mass. 12. Obstructive Jaundice. 13. Varicose Veins. 14. Peripheral Occlusive Vascular Disease. 15. Lymphoma. 16. Renal Swelling. 17. Pseudocyst of Pancreas. 18. Retroperitoneal Tumor. 19. Testicular Malignancy. 20. Portal Hypertension. 21. Mesenteric Cyst. III. Short Cases: 22. Nonthyroid Neck Swelling. 23. Tuberculous Cervical Lymph Node. 24. Cervical Metastatic Lymph Node (Carcinoma of Unknown Primary) and Neck Dissections. 25. Carcinoma Tongue with Submandibular Lymph Node. 26. Carcinoma of Gingivobuccal Complex (Indian Oral Cancer). 27. Parotid Swelling. 28. Submandibular Sialadenitis. 29. Ranula, Plunging Ranula, Sublingual Dermoid and Mucous Cyst. 30. Thyroglossal Cyst, Lingual Thyroid, Ectopic Thyroid, Subhyoid Bursa and Carcinoma Arising in Thyroglossal Cyst. 31. Branchial Cyst, Branchial Fistula, Cystic Hygroma and Carotid Body Tumor. 32. Soft Tissue Sarcoma of the Extremities. 33. Neurofibroma, Von Recklinghausen’s Disease. 34. Lipoma (Universal Tumor). 35. Sebaceous Cyst/Epidermoid Cyst/Wen/Dermoid Cyst. 36. Ulcer. 37. Malignant Melanoma. 38. Basal Cell Carcinoma/Rodent Ulcer. 39. Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Epithelioma). 40. Carcinoma Penis. 41. Congenital Arteriovenous Fistula/Hemangioma/Compressible Swelling. 42. Unilateral Lower Limb Edema. 43. Hydrocele of Tunica Vaginalis Sac (Epididymal Cyst, Spermatocele, Varicocele, Hematocele, Chylocele, etc.). 44. Inguinal Hernia/Femoral Hernia. 45. Incisional Hernia (Ventral Hernia, Postoperative Hernia). 46. Epigastric Hernia (Fatty Hernia of the Linea Alba). 47. Paraumbilical Hernia, Umbilical Hernia in Adults and Children. 48. Desmoid Tumor, Interparietal Hernia (Interstitial), Spigelian Hernia. 49. Gynecomastia/Male Breast Carcinoma. 50. Fibroadenoma/Cystosarcoma/Breast Cyst/Fibroadenosis/Fibrocystic Disease/Mastalgia/Mastopathy/Chronic Mastitis/Nipple Discharge. IV. Radiology And Imaging: Radiology Questions and Answers. V. Important Tables and Charts. Index.
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