This book is an attempt to evoke positive outlook towards the development of Co-operatives in the context of the contemporary liberalised economic environment. The book is a collection of papers prepared and published in post-liberalised period. Some of the papers are based an intensive field studies. Most interesting aspect of the study is its critical review of recent theoretical development in literature of co-operative development and management and also continuously well studied observations of changing scenario of liberalised dairy co-operative industry in India. It also provides latest account of the dairy industry development with policy implications for the next millennium It also covers various aspects of new economic policy which are directly or indirectly affecting the development and management of co-operative sector in India. Such aspects include initiaties of Government and its impact of future cooperative development; the need for fresh co-operative legislation; implications for the regulation of GATT agreements and export potential for dairy industry etc. The book provides some clear paths of policy alternatives for efficient co-operative development without which millions of tiny rural producers will have no future in the context of market oriented economic policy environment.
Co-Operativization Liberalization and Dairy Industry in India
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Co-Operativization Liberalization and Dairy Industry in India
1st ed.
ABD Publishers, 2000
183p., 24cm.
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