Colours of India

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The Late JRD Tata was not only a genius, but a great visionary who realized that for India to be truly a great and prosperous country, her people must first be happy. JRD’s vision of happiness was one where people were free of prejudices, crime and corruption, where everyone had an opportunity to receive good education, enjoy good health and earn a decent living. Unfortunately, this is not what India is today. It is everything but what JRD had envisioned. The author in this book takes a fresh look at India of today and analyzes the ills that afflict the country. The book attempts to portray the stark disparities that exist between various sections and classes in India of JRD’s dreams. The author is pained to find that even after 60 years of independence and despite the illustrious heritage; disease, hunger, poverty, illiteracy, caste and religious prejudices continue to haunt the Indian people. The entire country and its economy have been taken hostage by the self-centered politicians, corrupt bureaucracy and sluggish judiciary. The vote-bank politics is cutting at the roots of the meaningful democracy and is responsible for all the ills that infest the Indian system of governance. The author explains what must be done to change it all, and how to make India and its people truly happy and prosperous.


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Colours of India
1st ed.
xvi+152p., Plates.