Compendium of Indian Medicinal Plants, 1960-1969 (Vol. 1)

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This detailed treatise is written for botanists, chemists, biologists as a companion volume to Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants by Chopra, Nayar & Chopra, and covers the ten-years period 1960-69. While following the general format of the ‘Glossary’, taking cognisance of the widespread spurt in research on medicinal plants, the write-up on each plant also includes new type of data/information. Two new sections have, therefore, been added–a section on ‘New compounds’ gives the chemical structures of new compounds isolated and a section on ‘Biological activity’ summarises the biological work on pure constituents isolated from a plant. These sections would add immensely to the usefulness of the compendium. The first part of the volume presents the logistics of the write-up in an ‘Explanatory note’, which is followed by the description of almost 1200. Finally, three indexes comprising local names, chemical constituents and biological activities have been provided. The volume will be welcomed by all those working on medicinal plants/natural products who will appreciate that such a wealth of information has been assembled in a classified manner in single volume.


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Bibliographic information

Compendium of Indian Medicinal Plants, 1960-1969 (Vol. 1)
1st ed.


#Medicinal Plants