Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice

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In this book Mr. Anand brings a searching and thoroughly documented analysis to bear upon the work of the two Courts in all its substantial aspects. The drive for compulsory jurisdiction and the forces that have held it in check, the disillusioning history of the "optional clause", and the inroads of the domestic jurisdiction reservation are all here evaluated in historical and political perspective. Touching the composition of the Court, the author presents a realistic assessment of the mode of election and of the conflict between the principles of personal merit and representation of the main legal systems, with some special reference to the Asian sense of Western over-weighting.


DR. RAM PRAKASH ANAND (b.1933) graduated from the University of Delhi in 1951, passed his LL.B. with a first division in 1953, and received his LL.M. in 1957 with International Law as his specialized subject in which he got distinction. He was awarded the Baboo Pearey Lal Memorial Prize by the University of Delhi for being the best student to pass the LL.M. Examination that year. In 1970, Dr. Anand was recipient of a fellowship from the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C., and went to the United States for fifteen months and wrote a book entitled Legal Regime of the Sea-bed and the Developing Countries. In 1978, he again went to the United States to join the Culture Learning Institute of the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, where he is now working as a Research Associate. Besides seven books, Dr. Anand has published numerous articles on subjects of international law in Indian, European and American professional journals. 


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Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice
1st ed.
8178711362, 9788178711362
xx+364p., Bibliography; Index; 22cm.