Agni in Ayurved is reflected in the concept of Pitta of this system. The term Pitta is derived frm the root "Tap" to heat or to burn. This term is seen to have three meanings viz., (1) Tap-Aishvare referes to that factor which is responsible to make one achieve the eight kinds of benifits, (2) Tap-dahe related to the act of burning of the nutrition consumed, and (3) Tap-Santape referes to the generation of heat. These references are obtained from Siddhanta Kaumadi and would therefore furnish the Vyakarana Version of the term Pitta. From the point of view of Ayurveda, Pitta has been described as Agni (fire), Since it performs fire-like actions i.e. Paka which referes to Pachan (digestion); Dahana (burning combustion or oxidation) including bhinna sanghata (splitting); Tapana (heat production), Parinaman (conversion), Para Vritti (transformation) Prakashan (illumination), Ranjana or Varnakara (coloration) and Prabhakara (to cause lustre).
Hand Book of Hindu Astrology
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