Conflict Management and Organizational Health

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The book “ Conflict Management and Organisational Health” is a study of Conflict Management System of college lecturers of Haryana. The study reveals the critical role of Organisational Health of Haryana Colleges in the Conflict Managemetn System of Lectures working in these colleges. It also deals with the effect and impact of psycho-social variables including age, sex, teaching experience and educational qualification of the conflicts. Based on the investigation some suggestions are also rendered to improve the conflict management system of the lecturers working the Haryana colleges.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Pratima Chaudhry

The Author of this book Dr. (Mrs.) Pratima Chaudhry (TaxaK) is a Senior Lecturer in R.L.S. College of Education, Sidhrawali (Distt. Gurgaon) is working/teaching since 1988. She completed her early education upto M.Sc. (Botany) from J.V. College institution, Baraut and B.Ed from Jain College Baraut Under Meerut University. She qualified M.Ed. from Sohan Lal D.A.V. Colledge, Ambala, (Kurukhetra University) and quired her higher education of M.Phil and Ph.D from Department of Education Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. With rich experience and expertise she teaches “ Teaching of Life Science” and “Secondry Education and School Management” tyo B.Ed classes and “Research Methodology” to M.Ed. students for their dissertations.


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Conflict Management and Organizational Health
1st ed.
xvi+144p., Tables; Figures; Maps; Bibliography; 23cm