It is a misnomer to say that artifacts or monuments or documentary heritage get preserved by giving them protection only. Conservation which includes preservation and restoration is a systematic knowledge today. Conservation has become a multidisciplinary approach and hence has become an applied science. This book discusses the responsibilities of all connected with Art, Archaeology and Archives including people at large. Conservation science is not confined to active treatment to be executed but is also related to display, storage, handling, transportation, gallery management and care from conservation point of view and includes documentation, monitoring of their health, acquisition, authentication, taking care of the menance of fakes forgeries, legal issues, fingerprinting, professional ethics and protection of monuments/ sites from vandals. All these aspects go together for their total care and safety. The readers would be helped by sharing the experiences of the author gained by hi
Conservation Science
by A.S. Bisht
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A.S. Bisht studied Science before doing postgraduate study in Art Conservation from Australia during the years 1960-1961 having been selected by the Commonwealth office of Education, Sydney, Australia under Australian Govt. Senior Fellowship. He joined the ASI in 1954 before selection in the National Museum, New Delhi in 1958. After working on various positions in the National Museum, New Delhi became the Head of its Conservation Department in 1978 and has been instrumental for the post 1978 development in its present form till he retired as Chief Restorer in March 1991. He was actively associated with the projects undertaken by the Laboratory between 1958 to 1991. He has contributed over a hundred research papers in various publications in India and abroad. He is author of the book "Challenges in Conservation of Indian Miniatures" and edited/published some other publications of IASC. He was associated with the drafting of the syllabus for M.A. (Conservation) course of the NMI (A deemed University) and has been teaching Art Conservation since its inception. After retirement he is associated with the Faculty of Art Conservation as a Visiting Professor. He has been guiding students and evaluating the M.A. & Ph. D thesis since 1991 in the field of conservation. He is one of the Founder Members of IASC and worked in various capacities including its President before being elected its Hony. Fellow. He is a Life member of MAI and was elected Fellow of the IIC, London bringing international recognition to him in his specialized field, he has travelled extensively in India and abroad including Australia, Indonesia, Japan, U.S.A, Europe, USSR, Afganistan and Bhutan on various assignments by international bodies like UNESCO. He is a Devotee of Sri Satya Sai Baba to whom he attributes all his achievements and success in life.
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Conservation Science
1st ed.
181p., Illustrations; Appendices; Bibliography; Index; 26cm.
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