Contemporary Issues in Trade, Environment and Policy

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This volume brings together a series of research papers by young scholars on critical policy issues facing emerging economies like India and how they need to be handled within a liberalized market economy. This is especially relevant at the current juncture, with a new government at the helm making concerted efforts to strengthen India’s manufacturing base and trading network and usher in foreign investments into key sectors of the economy. The various chapters-spanning a range of topical issues-provide up to date reviews of literature and a glimpse of the wide array of methodological tools used in applied research. There are multi-country as well as country-specific analyses; case-studies based on pima, data as well as secondary data based analyses; studies based on advanced panel data as well as time-series techniques. This book should be of use to post-graduate and research students as well as teachers and practitioners of economics and applied economics fields.

Contents: Section 1: International trade and capital flows: challenges for policy. 1. China : India merchandise trade. 2. The trade-growth nexus. 3. Developing a framework for spillover effects of FDI. 4. Effect of intro-regional trade and economic growth in SAARC countries. 5 imports and private consumption boom in India. Section 2: Environmental challenges. 6. India and EU trade in chemical sector. 7. Determinants of energy consumption in open economies. 8. Rural ponds as major inland wetlands in West Bengal. 9. Determinants of carbon market in India. Section 3: Policy challenges in key sectors. 10. Credit and housing prices. 11. Mergers and acquisitions in Indian financial sector. 12. Stock prices and exchange rates. 13. Indian pharmaceutical industry in global context. 14. The PPP model and India’s infrastructural challenges.


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Contemporary Issues in Trade, Environment and Policy
1st. ed.