Contemporary Sociological Theory is the definitive source of current perspective and approaches in the field. Organized by theme, the volume includes the most representative material available on topics such as sociology of race and ethnic relations, social differentiation and stratification, social disorganization and deviant behaviour, organizational analysis, general theory in sociology, structure, function and social evolution, problems in social methodology and critical theory. The theories of Auguste Comte, John Stuart Mill, Herbert Spencer, Talcott Parsons, Durkheim, Davis Kingsley, Robert Merton and Karl Marx also appear in longer sections, enabling students and scholars to examine the work in greater depth. The author has provided with a progressive tour through the foundations and development of social theory which caution against the contemporary fragmentation of academic work and demonstrates the continued value of sociology’s heritage. It can also be used in introductory sociology courses to link sociological concepts and theory to everyday life. The book will become a key resource for students and scholars alike.
Women in Technical Education
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