Contesting for Space: A Study of Consequences of Non-Tribal Migration into tribal Homeland

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The Indian Constitution has provided protection to the interest of tribal people but in spite of this, a large section of tribal population is still living I disadvantageous situation and their plight and needs could not still be understood well by the policy makers and implementers. While the exploitation of tribal people is till continuing unabatedly, at the same time, they are bearing the brunt of industrial and economic development of the country. Problems of land alienation, displacement, unemployment, loss of livelihood along with illiteracy, malnutrition, repeated illness have made their life miserable. Many of these problems have roots into the policy of British Government that brought tribal people closer to the non-tribal segment of population. This not only resulted in redistribution of tribal population and their economic participation but this also had drastic impact on physical, cultural and social environment of the tribal regions. As a consequence of this, underdevelopment and impoverishment of tribal people took place leading to conflict and violence in these regions. All these issues have found place in this book along with an analysis of trend, nature and pattern of migration of people from outside into the Chotanagpur region. This book also explains the resultant impact of this process of external interference on the region itself and the lives of its inhabitants as well. This book is expected to serve the interests of policy makers, administrators, researchers and students concerned for tribal development in India.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Madhumita Bandyopadhyay

Dr. Madhumita Bandyopadhyay is an Associate fellow in School and Non Formal Education Unit at National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration. She did her Ph.D. (Geography) from the center for Studies of regional development, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She has worked in different organization including technical Support group in Ed. CIL for District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) of the Government of India. She has developed keen interest in promotion of quality of life of tribal people of India because without development o this section of the population, development of India will remain incomplete, no matter how much the country experiences advancement in science, technology and economic fronts.


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Contesting for Space: A Study of Consequences of Non-Tribal Migration into tribal Homeland
1st ed.
xiv+437p., Tables; Figures; Maps; Bibliography; 23cm.