Dr. S.C. Srivastava (b. 1939), Formerly Reader and Head, School of Studies in Economics, Vikram University, Ujjain, obtained his Master and Doctoral Degrees in Economics from the University of Allahabad, Allahabad. Presently, he is Professor and Head, Department of Economics, C.M.D. Post-Graduate College, Bilaspur (G.G.D. University, Bilaspur). He has been member of different Academic and advisory committees. He has been actively associated with several National and International associations like, ESCAP, IEA, TIA, MPEA etc. The main area of his interest has been Population, Econometrics and Regional Economics. A prolific writer, his books include Studies in Demography (also Translated in Chinese), Demographic Profile of World; Dynamics of Demographic Studies etc.
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