The treatise on Corporate Governance is a maiden attempt to holistically ponder over entire spectrum of Initiatives & Reforms undertaken in developed world and replicated/adapted in Indian setting at one place. The study of corporate governance, relatively a new discipline, has become imperative due to unexpected collapse of high profile giant corporate houses globally. Corporate Governance has now become an integral part of everyday business life. In its zeal to satisfy its five major constituents in a fiercely competitive environment, it has to nurture a culture based on transparency, fairness, accountability responsibility, empowerment and ethics; maintain sanctity of governance standards; accelerate performance; and evolve international best practices.
Corporate Governance: Initiatives and Reforms
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Dr. B.B. Goel, M.A. (Public Administration & Pol. Science), Ph. D., Professor of Public Administration, has been engaged in teaching and research at Panjab University, for over 29 years. He is the first recipient of U.G.C. Young Scientist Career Award in Humanities and Social Sciences of this Alma Mater. His ten research books on Co-operative Management, Project Management and Development Administration have a deep imprint on the budding literature in Public Administration. He served as an Advisor to Government of Mauritius under Indian Technical Co-operation Programme (1990-92) and set-up a Co-operative Training Institute. He has been representing Non-official Nominee of IFCI/IDBI on the Board of several assisted Companies since 19998 (including Co-operative Sugar Mills). Dr. Goel is a National Assessor or Quality Education on behalf of National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bangalore (a UGC body) and member of National Peer Team of All India Council for Technical Education, For accreditation of Management institutes. He has also been a member of UGC Expert Committee for research projects. Besides associated with U.P.S.C., Punjab Technical University and HSIDC, Dr. Goel has been a member of the Court of Guru Jambeshwar University, Hissar, Academic-Advisory Committee of NITTTR and Haryana Board of School Education. He has conducted need based five major research projects on Co-operatives and Rural Development on behalf of U.G.C., ICSSR, Council for Social Development etc.; contributed 70 articles’ book reviews in national/ international journals and national Dailies and has also supervised five students for their doctoral research. He has been invited as a Resource Person and Special Invitee by N.I.R.D., Hyderabad, N.C.U.I., Delhi, National Co-operative Management and allied aspects. He has been nominated by State/ Central Government as an Expert Member on Many Committees like Co-operative Training, Technical Education and Training Policy for Co-operative functionaries.
As Prof. D.P. Agrawal has worked with the Archaeological Survey of India, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Bombay and the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, his academic contributions are marked by an interdisciplinary yet holistic approach. He has made significant contributions to the fields of palaeoenvironment, prehistoric archaeology, radiocarbon and TL dating, archaeometallurgy and traditional knowledge systems. For two years he participated in the excavations of the famous Harappan site of Kalibangan in Rajasthan. He has extensively worked on the copper technology of the Harappans and has been associated with the palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental studies - both in Kashmir and Rajasthan. His delineation of Rajasthan's palaeoenvironmental changes is very relevant to the Harappan studies. He has published 20 books and 250 papers. He has been a member of the Advisory Board of World Archaeology and Le 'anthropologie and edited Man and Environment for a number of years. He was Chairman of a large multidisciplinary group at PRL and is a Fellow of the National Science Academy. He is a member of the National Commission on History of Science of the Indian National Science Academy. He is now the chief editor of a multi-volume international project on the history of science and technology and honorary ndirector of Lok Vigyan Kendra, Almora. He also runs a philanthropic trust at Almora.
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Bibliographic information
Corporate Governance: Initiatives and Reforms
1st. ed.
Regal Publications, 2014
8184843313, 9788184843316
xi+362p., 25cm.
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