Corruption in India has been in minute scale from times immorial from Satyug, Treta, Dwapar through Kalayug. The strategy of Sam (love-affection); Dam (money, cost); Dand (punishment) and Bhed (division); has been suggested for getting the work done. In the present day society, corruption has taken the front row and deep roots. In day-to-day life, corruption could be defined as doing the duty after taking some illegal graft in the form of extra money/time etc. the present book highlights the extent of corruption that has crept in various fields of public life. However, the problems is extremely menacing and omnipresent in the global context. The political will and the honesty of the persons at the top in the government and administration are very essential to tackle the problem. It is becoming increasingly evident that the corrupt practices are producing dissatisfied youth in the country. With the continuous population explosion and the inherent desire in the modern man to be rich by quick-fix methods, the menace of corruption has spread throughout the world. It has been institutionalized throughout the country in all aspects of life. The strategies of eradicating it have acquired utmost importance. Efforts need to be made to control the menace. In the present volume a total of 37 articles have been grouped into four sections, for convenience of readers. The relevance of the themes dealt in various chapters of the book is of very high significance to the general problem of eradication of corruption form the public life. This book would be useful to students, educationists, academicians, politicians, bureaucrats and the general public. The book will provide them a very valuable document in their pursuit of understanding and rooting out corruption.
Corruption in India: Origin Causes and Solutions
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Dr. H.D. Bist was Professor of Physics at IIT, Kanpur till June 1995 and then Emeritus Scientist of CSIR till 2000. He was ES (AJCTE) till June 2003. He has been Visiting Professor in several universities in USA, Canada and Japan. Dr. Bist has travelled widely throughout the world in lecture tours. Dr. Bist has been recipient of the Fulbright award (both Junior and Senior). He has organised three International conferences and has authored/edited seven books (Elsevier, Tata McGraw Hill etc.). He has published more than 250 papers in reviewed journals. Dr. Bist is a life member of Indian Academy of Sciences, Lasers and Spectroscopy Society of India, Indian Laser Association, Indian Association of Physics Teachers and Indian Academy of Sciences, Lasers and Spectroscopy Society of India, Indian Laser Association, Indian Association of Physics Teachers and Indian Science Congress. He is also a fellow of LASSI. Dr. Bist has been the first Professor of hysics and first head of Institution at the Nainital Campus of Kumaon University. He has general interest in the field of Education oand Modern Scientific and Technological developments.
Shri R.K. Gupta, is a disciple of one of the greatest saints of the Naqshbandi Order Thakur Ram Singh Ji, an officer in the Police Department of the erstwhile Jaipur State, who earned his livelihood by the sweat of his brow and reared his family. During his lifetime itself he had become a legendary figures because of his honesty and sincerity, and devotion to his Master Mahatma Ram Chandra ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh, UP. Born in 1950, the author had the fortune to visit his Master at the young age of 15 years, when his father, Dr. Chandra Gupta, took him to the pious feet of Thakur Ram Singh Ji. A man of few words, Thakur Ram singh ji left a deep impression and sowed the seed of Love in the heart of the author, in the first sight itself. The author spend his formative years from 1966 to 1970 under the gracious auspices of Thakur Ram Singh Ji and thereafter under Dr. Chandra Gupta, his father, who also was a great Sufi Master.
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Corruption in India: Origin Causes and Solutions
1st ed.
406p., References; 23cm.
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