The author has made a modest attempt to organize advances in the theory, practices and processes of creativity. The inspiration behind writing this book is to bring into light some existing but neglected dimensions of creativity i.e. Intuition and spirituality pertaining to the field of consciousness and eastern philosophy. At the two extremes there are two types of creativity representing two different things matter and spirit. They represent two independent modes of experiences — conscious and spiritual modes of experiences. In between them lies a third type of creativity which can be called psycho — spiritual represented through many symbolic art. Here a spiritual reality is represented in the form of matter i.e. familiar objects, persons, surroundings of which we are conscious.
Creativity and emotions are interlinked. All devotional prayers, meditation, spiritual music, (called Sama in Sufism) have emotional elements. Autonomic nervous system which is directly related to our emotions plays a central role in producing transcendental experiences and thus creativity of a spiritual nature.
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