Crime and Society

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The idea of crime has a long history. Some religious communities regard sin as a crime; some may even highlight the crime of sin very early in legendary or mythological accounts of origins — note the tale of Adam and Eve and the theory of original sin. What one group considers a crime may cause or ignite war or conflict. However, the earliest known civilizations had codes of law, containing both civil and penal rules mixed together, though not always in recorded form.


Dr. Nishant Singh M.Sc., M.Phil., P.G. in Mass Communication, D.Phil was educated at the Institute of Advanced Studies, CCSU, Meerut. He is young but well-known Media-critic, dr. Singh has contributed several research papers, book reviews and articles in reputed journals, leading News papers and Magazines. Dr. Nishant has authored more than a dozen of books on Media and women Issues. His books have been well received and acclaimed. He writes regularly for Media including Radio and T.V. He is a visiting faculty to various institutes and is an an acknowledged speaker on matters relating to crime against women, deprived perisons and sustainable development. Decorated with five national Awards, including “Bhartendu Harish-chand Award’, ‘Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Puraskar’ and “Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant Award’ from Govt. of India. Currently, he is the Executive Director of the “Swapnil Bharat’, and N.G.O. working for the advancement of deprived women.


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Crime and Society
1st ed.
vi+271p., Index; 23cm.