Crop Pest and Disease Management: Challenges for the Millennium

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Intensive research in the ways to combat a vast array of pest and disease of crops of agricultural importance especially over the twentieth century has provided a multitude of control tactics. Most of these rely on the use of exotic chemicals which although give a quick and convincing control, also involve immediate and/or cumulative environmental hazards. A large number of eco-friendly methods are also known, some of which are the results of long human experiences while others have been formulated after scientific studies on the ecological relationships between the crop pest/pathogen-environment complex. These methods individually may give a less spectacular and limited degree of control but combinations of more than one can provide practically feasible, economical and ecofriendly methods of integrated multiple pest management tactics. In order to gather systemic information and planning, this book is an efforts to achieve the objectives like how to manage the noxious insect pest disease and nematodes including weeds effectively so that the populations of these harm creatures remain below the threshold level under field conditions.


Dr. D. Prasad a distinguished nematologist born on 20th January, 1948, graduated from Allahabad Agri. Institute, Naini, Allahabad and post-graduated from Allahabad University, Allahabad in 1967 and 1969, respectively; dihis Ph.D. from I.A.R.I., New Delhi in 1978 and has more than 34 years of research and teaching experience in the field of Nematology in particular and Plant Protection in general, published about 120 research papers, 55 abstracts presented in national and international symposia and 45 chapters in various books Dr. Prasad, Principal Scientist, known for his research contributions in nematode management, IPM schedule development, and testing of newer molecules against nematodes. A new molecule for control of nematodes (root-knot and reniform) was developed and sent to ICAR for Patent. Dr. Prasad received HARDF Award, Fellow of Science and Environment, Society of Plant Protection Sciences, Bioved Res. Society, Allahabad. Dr. Prasad has written/edited various book on environmental pollution and disease management. He founded the Society of Plant Protection Sciences in 1992 and publishing journal Annals of Plant Protection Sciences. He has been advisor to some of the Apex bodies, G.O.I., referee of Scientific journals, examiner of different universities, chaired scientific sessions in the symposia/meetings.


A renouned entomologist, born on 24th January, 1945 did his schooling from Nagpur, M.Sc. and Ph.D. from IARI in 1970 and 1975 respectively. He received an additional training from HOnolulu, hawalii, USA in 1976, joined Marathwada Agricultural University, Parbhani as Asstt. Entomologist and was promoted to Associate Professor and Professor in 1975 and 1981, respectively. He was also officiating Head of the Department till 1995 then joined as Director of National Centre for Integrated Pest Management at IARI Campus, New Delhi. Dr. Puri visited a number of foreign countries like Japan, USA, Israel and Thailand. His research contributions are: Developed an IPM module for dryland cotton and its performance was tested in one village 'Ashta' in Maharashtra over an area of 500 acres, participated in I.C.D.P. sponsored research project on cotton, initiated research on whitefly during 1987 and tried to provide explantation to the recent outbreak of whitefly, developed IPM module comprising of trap crop of wild brinjal, application of repellant of botanical origin and spraying non-toxic detergents, worked for mass production of HNPV sufficient to cover 1000 hectares in the farmer's field. Dr. Puri guided 29 M.Sc. and 10 Ph.D. students, presently holding the post of Vice Chancellor of Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Distt. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra.


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Crop Pest and Disease Management: Challenges for the Millennium
1st ed.
xv+454p., Tables; Figures; References; 25cm.