Cultivation of Vegetables

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jitendra Pandey

Dr. Jitendra Pandey received his education (B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. and Ph.D.) at Banaras Hindu University, excelling in all the courses of study. He has been the recipient of Junior and Senior Research Fellowship from UGC (NET) and Research Associateship from CSIR. He has received training at BARC on gas chromatography. He joined Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow, as a scientist in 1994. He was appointed as Assistant Professor in the department of Environmental Sciences, M.L. Sukhadia University in 1997. He has made substantive contribution in the world literature of pollution ecology through his works on biological and physical processes governing the pollution dispersion and toxicity and on chemistry of stratosphere and ozone layer. He has participated in a number of national and international seminars and symposia. Dr. Pandey has been the recipient of a Grand Prize (+700 US dollars) from Japan, best oral presentation award at B.H.U. and World Green Award at New Delhi. Dr. Pandey, a referee of an American and an Indian Journal, has to his credit more than thirty full length research papers in various national and international journals, more than 20 abstracts and several chapters in various edited books. He is a member of many professional academic bodies including New York Academy of Sciences, Fellow of International Society of conservators and Explorers of Natural Resources and, President of The Rajasthan Evergreen Environmental Society (TREES). Presently he is engaged in guiding Ph.D. students on various aspects of environmental monitoring and assessment.


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Cultivation of Vegetables
1st ed.
176p., 22cm.