The post-independence period has been witnessing tremendous political mobilization from all fronts. One of the important fronts is the students who are subjected t intensive and persistent mobilization by the different political groups. The political action has been changing its course differently. Group clashes, killings, heavy expenditure on elections etc. have become a part of the whole process. Even 50 years after independence, we are witnessing divisive forces entering into the students organizations. Culture of Student Politics analyses the above situation on the basis of an intensive field work amongst students in Lucknow. It deals exhaustively with the background characteristics, attitudes and modes of functioning of student leaders and the behavioural pattern of students in a lucid manner. The author brings out the dynamic aspects of students politics, both at the micro level and macro level. The book is thought provoking and will be useful to the students and researchers alike.
Naked Truth of Naxalism
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