Due to exponential growth of knowledge in various fields of Palynology, most of the available reference books either lack information about some of the most recent development or else overemphasize on Aerobiology thus ignoring classical palynology which has been proved to be equality important all the world over. The present volume, however, lays balanced emphasis on classical and applied Palynology thus covering various facets of the subject. The books is divided into 25 chapters dealing with all aspects of Palynology highlighting current researches. The greater part of the book is devoted to classical aspect of palynological research embracing pollen morphology in relation to plant taxonomy dealing with critical and disputed taxonomic problems. The mysteries have been unravelled using latest techniques of SEM and TEM contributed by internationally reputed scientists. The other major important aspect, i.e. the topic dealing wiht the biomedical appraoch, e.g. pollen-spore allergy, is known to be one of the leading health problems. In addition there are contributions made by leading experts in the fields of biochemical and immunological disciplines. The tremendous development in the field of pollen analysis in relation to paleaoecology, phytogeography and vegetational history have also been given due recognition. The book is well illustrated, possesses comprehensive accounts for researches and scholars of palynology, aerobiology and allied subjects.
Studies in Envirnoment and Development
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