In this work Saitya Brata Das is concerned with the limit of philosophy understood as ‘ontology of presence’ or as ‘metaphysics of subjectivity’. Das undertakes to follow the thread of the ‘limit’ of a thought that makes equivalent not only presence and subjectivity, but also being and totality, and as I see it, to think the limit itself as the place where is played out quasi-phenomenologically-or would appear in some ways under a name as ‘blind spot’- the unthought of difference. This difference is straight away, without immediately mentioning the name of Emmanuel Levinas, is determined as ethics. It is around this question of ethics in its precise effects of deconstruction of metaphysics – effects that philosophy is incapable of incorporating – that Das’s work is organized and structured. In this respect I praise a work whose contribution is incontestable, and which is a testimony of the refined and vibrant understanding of the texts that he activates and of the thoughts that he on his own thinks. Throughout his investigation, Das shows a true philosophical temperament, which is productive and promising.
Death, Time and the Other: Ethics at the Limit of Metaphysics
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Death, Time and the Other: Ethics at the Limit of Metaphysics
Aakar Books, 2017
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