Democracy Pluralism and Nation-Building

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The processes of democracy and development usually tend to generate new tensions and fresh patterns of power continually. In a participatory democracy like ours committed to planned economic development and distributive social justice, interregional and inter-communal, and oftentimes sectarian rivalaries and petry jealousies for the loaves and fishes of office and similar other advantages are inevitable. Likewise when regional and sub-regional forces become more articulate, assertive and sometimes aggressive and even confrontationist, they are often dubbed anti-national and their demands are looked upon as constituting a threat to national unity and integration by the powers that be. In the context of the rise of non-Congress and anti-Centre forces in parts of India, particularly in the non-Hindi-States of the south and their demands for greater State autonomy, the Editor of this book organized two all-India inter-disciplinary seminars on (a) Democracy, Pluralism and Nation-Building and (b) Sub-Nationalism and National Integration. This book contains selected papers presented at these seminars and others specially written for this volume, provides theoretical perspectives on the problems of nation-building and focuses attention on the consequent challenges and encounters facing the Establishment in its struggle to maintain national unity and independence with simultaneous promotion of regional and socio-cultural wedded to autonomy through a democratic set-up orderly planned economic development and a loose federal structure. An outstanding book for academics and planners alike. A practical guide to students and researchers in political science.


The author, Professor S.A.H. Haqqi has the rare distinction of having studied political science at three famous universities – London, Lucknow and Aligarh. He has been Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Head of the Department of Political Science at Aligarh Muslim University. He was Honorary Secretary and Treasurer and later Vice-President of the Indian Political Science Association. Professor Haqqi has served with credit on the Executive Committee of the international Political Science Association and he was Editor of “The Indian Journal of Politics” for a long time. His scholarship received international recognition when he was assigned as a Visiting Professor to one of Poland’s leading universities. Professor Haqqi is a man of many interests, but his special passion is Indian Government and Politics as also Political Developments in West Asia. He serves as a member of the Research Committee (of the International Political Science Association) on the socio-political problems of pluralism, is a member of the Indian Society for Futuristic Studies and also a member of the Council of the Indian Academy of Social Sciences. The author has a number of books and Research Papers to his credit and has made a mark in several national and international seminars and conferences in which he has participated.


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Democracy Pluralism and Nation-Building
1st ed.
xvi+496p., Figures; Tables; Maps; References; Index; 23cm.