Democratic Government And Electoral Process

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The present compilation of papers, articles, excerpts, reviews and discussion notes bring together both published and unpublished materials in an effort to provide valid points of reference for both study and research. It covers such relevant subjects as: approach to electoral reforms, in India, identity cards and electoral reforms, Government’s dilemma on electoral reforms, retrospective on the assembly polls, democracy and the electoral process, historical perspective on the working of elections, among others. The publication is not only a commentary on current politics but also provides points of view on such vital issues as the health of democratic Government in India, the need for constant electoral reform, and the democratic polity. The publication assumes special significance in view of the forthcoming elections in the politically sensitive states of Jammu and Kashmir and Uttar Pradesh. It is hoped that it will fill a gap in the current literature on the subject.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Parul Chakravarty

Parul Chakravaraty (b. 1950) holds a post-graduate degree in political science from the University of Delhi. He has been working as In-Charge, South Asia Desk, with the United Times News Bureau, New Delhi, for over twelve years. He was also awarded a research scholarship by the Stockholm Peace Research Institute on human rights in developing countries and he has lectured at both Indian and foreign universities on elections and democracy. He is also on the panel of news editors of an international television network.


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Democratic Government And Electoral Process
1st. Ed.
vi+273p., Tables; Appendix; Index; 23cm.