Demystifying Military Leadership

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Leadership is the art of leading people and controlling time and resources to attain the organizational goals. The leader identifies and shows the way others follow him. It is axiomatic that all leaders should possess some especial physical, moral and mental attributes. Which set them apart from the followers. Yet leadership is not the preserve of only a selected few ordained, as if by destiny, to lead their less gifted fellow beings during normal and challenging times. All of us, with a very few exceptions, have the potential to make effective leaders within our limitations. Leaders are thus ‘made’ ; only a few are ‘born’ leaders it is also unkind on leaders to seek in them all the noble and stirring virtues. Like all of us, they are also human susceptible to many failings of human behaviour. Good leaders, however, do not let these weaknesses affect their performance. In this book, the author has tried to remove many common myths and misconceptions about military leadership. He has analysed the specific leadership trait relevant for every rung of command and has suggested practical measures to acquire and develop them. He feels that with self-discipline, dedication and perseverance, all of us can evolve ourselves into good leaders. His detailed commentary on decision-making, time management, creativity, leadership ethics, and morale and motivation has further enhanced the value of the book. Though written basically for army officers, this book will prove equally useful to the officers from the other two services and from para-military and police organizations.


Lieutenant General H.B. Kala was commissioned into the JAT Regiment in December 1960. He was awarded Shaurya Chakra in August 1961 for conspicuous bravery in a close quarter combat against a Pakistani patrol in the J&K Sector. He took active part in the Bangla Desh War of 1971 and was a witness to the Surrender of Pakistani garrison at Comilla. He also possesses wide experience in counter-insurgency operations both in urban and in rural environments. The Officer is the recepient of Ati Vishisht Sewa Medal (1994) and Param Vishisht Sewa Medal (1997). An alumnus of the Defence Services Staff College and the National Defence College, he also attended the Special National Forces Course and Civic Action Course conducted at Fort Bragg (USA). During his long career spanning over four decades, the Officer has held a number of important staff and instructional appointments, which include the Divisional Officer in his alma mater National Defence Academy; Brigade Major of a newly-raised Mechanised Brigade; Military. Naval and Air Attache in the then Czechoslovakia; Brigadier in-charge Administration of 11 Corps; and Additional Director General Military Operations at the Army Headquarters. The Officer has commanded the 6 JAT Regiment, 86 Infantry Brigade, 4 Infantry Division and 11 Corps. In November 1996, he took over as the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief. Western Command, a post he held for three years. His last assignment was GOC-in-C Army Training command from where he retired on 31 March 2001. General Kala has authored two military history books and translated ‘Battle of Dograi’ and “History of the Fifth Gorkha Rifles” in Hindi. He is presently giving final touches to the translation of Von Clauswitz’s magnum opus “On War” in Hindi – the first ever work of its kind in any Indian Language.


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Demystifying Military Leadership
1st Ed.
267p., Notes; Glossary; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.