During 1979 and after Launching of National Agril. Research program Joint forest management (JFM) the use of PRA/PRA techniques started operating in different parts of the country. All these initiatives emphasized the involvement of local players as partners in the development initiatives i.e. people participation in the Govt. funded projects. These initiatives have made both positive and negative dent in the arena of Indian agriculture & allied sectors. This book is a compendium of such efforts and approaches employed for ensuring people’s participation. The book tries to answer two main aspects (i) What are sequels of extensions approaches and how each approach is designed? (ii) What are the lessons of each design or approach will to academicians, researcher and policy makers, above all the book is useful to under graduate and post graduate students and teachers in state Agricultural universities and other Universities in general.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR B.S. Siddaramaiah
Prof B.S. Siddaramaiah presently heading the Department of Agricultural extension in the University of Agricultural sciences, Bangalore, obtained his graduation and Ph.. degree in later part of 80’s and has engaged him self in the field of teaching for over three decades. He has published over 100 research papers in scientific journals and authored three books on Extension research and readability of Print materials. He has widely traveled in countries like Malaysia, Singapore, USA, etc and presented papers in many international forums. He is the recipient of dr. O.P. Dhama memorial national award for excellence in teaching.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR K. Venkataranga Naika
Dr. K. Venkata Ranga Naika is an Associate professor in the department of Agricultural Extension at University of Agricultural Sciences, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore, Karnataka. He started his career as Instructor n Agricultural extension and became Assistant Professor and now he is working as Associate professor. He has 18 years of teaching experience in under graduate an post graduate students. He has published more than 30 research publications in different professional journals, and four papers in edited books. He has associated with many research projects funded by DFID, UK and other agencies. He has visited USA, UK and Sri Lanka and presented papers in international forums. He is member for many professional organizations in India and abroad.
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