Tracing the force operative behind evolution and character of a regional urban system, the present study tries to weight the historical force and related fortuitous factors vis-?-vis geographical factors as these have shaped it in the Malwa regin of Madhya Pradesh. With this approacdh, the study devas rather deeply into the historical events and processes particularly operative in the region, the tries to relate specific attributes of the regional urban system to them. In the geographical milieu of a rather mild and hospitable topography and climate, a midland and en route location of Midland and en route location of Malwa with respect to important historical routes, and the fissiparous historical processes resulting in a jumble of numerous pricely states and other territorial units, there hask emerged an urban system on the cardinal structure of such a territorial organization. The very ubiquitous nature of urban system on the cardinal structure of such a territorial organization. The very ubiquitous nature of urban resource baseand a relatively better-off disposition of the region have presented a congenial backdrop for the development of settlements with administrative, commercial and social central services as their functional “raison d’etre, and an urban system essentially as a central place system analysed and synthesized with the main theme are socio-economic characteristics, functional structure and specialization of towns, migration streams and the demographic growth of towns, locational context and the size and spacing of towns.
Development and Structure of An Urban system
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Development and Structure of An Urban system
1st ed.
x+208p., Tables; Plates; References; Appendices; Bibliography; Index; 24cm.
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