Development Banks and Entrepreneurship Promotion in India

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The present study offers an analytical and comprehensive account of interplay of development banks and entrepreneurship promotion in Independent India. Indian development banks are playing a catalytic role and making a meaningful contribution in numerous areas of entrepreneurisation such as entrepreneurship promotion, development of viable entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial education and training, creation of new manufacturing, trading and servicing enterprises, proliferation and upgradation of generated entrepreneurship, promotion of entrepreneurial management and supportive infrastructure. The entrepreneurial process which was utterly debilitated, deceased and paralysed under the British Rule has again revived and rejuvenated under the charismatic guidance, counseling, role and leadership of the Indian development banks. These banks are not merely acting as special credit institutions but they are also acting as special entrepreneurial and technological institutions. Development and diffusion of new entrepreneurship and technology in greening industries is emerging as their salient feature nowadays. They are substantially influencing the whole process of innovation and its application in new areas. Development banks are playing a dominant role in the life cycle of the project. Their constructive and co-ordinative role in national policy making is also very appreciative. The introduction of entrepreneurship as a subject in vocational courses at college and university level would decidedly assist the educated and trained youths to select entrepreneurship as an alternate career opportunities. The present book will act as a guide, friend, teacher and philosopher to such career seekers. Because entrepreneurship promotion is the first process of creation and has viable potential to energise the entire process of socio-economic development of the nation.


Dr. P.K. Sharma is position holder of Rajasthan University in M.A, M.Phil (Geography) and Diploma of population ecology. He has been awarded by UGC, JRF and SRF. Dr. Sharma has got his Ph.D. in geography in 2005 from University of Rajasthan. He is member of many national and international academic societies like-RGA, IGI, NAGI and CHEC- India. He has also participated and presented paper in various national level seminar/conferences. He has six research paper n his credit published in national and internation journals. Presently he is working as lecturer in geography he is working as lecturer in Geography at St. Wilfred’s P.G. collage, Jaipur.


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Development Banks and Entrepreneurship Promotion in India
1st. Ed.
xvi+201p., Tables; Bibliography; Index; 22cm.