‘Woman’ is an important segment of human society – both qualitatively and quantitatively. Literally, their status, role, etc. is said equally important as that of men – but the reality is quite adverse. Despite Constitutional guarantee of equality and several other protective statutes women are looked as ‘inferior’ to men. No doubt, with the spread of education and training, their mobility – social as well as economic – has increased, and they are undertaking various types of duties and responsibilities successfully, and participating in all walks of the present day life. An Attempt is made in the present volume to study the occupation and employment pattern of educated women in urban life. A critical appraisal of government policies and programmes relating to employment opportunities for women in India is also covered based on case study. This well researched study will prove of utmost utility to the scholars and academics in the field besides the policy planners and administrators.
Nature and Scope of Political Sociology
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