Development with Dignity

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Despite almost six decades of India’s independence, dehumanizing poverty afflicts a large section of Indian masses. Is economic liberalization with continuous rolling back of the State the answer? This book, written by one of India’s foremost theoretical economists, is a non-technical manner argues forcefully that this would be the wrong track to follow. In the course of the argument, the author demolishes many conventional economic propositions which rule the academia, the policy makers, the media and the international institutions. The book demonstrates forcefully why a full employment society with dignity for all citizens is feasible in the near future. It is not at all a utopia. The book, brought out under the new series of the Trust on Popular Social Science, is likely to be a major input into the current debate regarding the feasibility of the guarantee of employment to all in present scenario.


Amit Bhaduri is Visiting Professor, Council for Social Development, New Delhi. He has been internationally selected professor (of 'clear fame') in Pavia University, Italy. Professor Bhaduri has taught or been associated with many universities and research institutions in a career spanning over thirty years. these include Presidency College and Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Delhi School of Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, and Centre for Development Studies, Kerala, in India. He has also taught in more than a dozen universities in Europe, United States, and Central America and been a Fellow of Institutes of Advanced Studies in Europe. Educated in Calcutta, Cambridge, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology he has published nearly seventy technical papers, is on the editorial board of international journals, and authored five books. His books include Unconventional Economic Essays (OUP, 1993), and On the Border of Economic Theory and History.


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Development with Dignity
1st ed.