Digital Broadcasting Journalism

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Digitisation has overtaken all the transmission systems. In the field of direct broadcasting, digital technology has produced a radial increase in the number of programme streams and services directly accessible to viewers. With the help off broader transmission capacity in telecommunication networks, conventional television and radio network services can be broadcast in other types of telecom networks as well. Globalilsation of the broadcasting media makes it all the more important that national public broadcasters provide programming with national public-affairs programming. The proliferation of alternatives to traditional broadcasting, notably cable, satellite, and especially the internet, provides a plethora of viewing and listening options, but the fragmented nature of this market makes it unlikely to produce the kind of high-quality educational and public-affairs programming needed to prepare citizens for the 21st century. The book elaboratively discusses the digitization of broadcasting media and the role of internet in the transformation of the media environment . It explains how broadcasting systems and their business plans will change, and the changes that are already occurring in the relationship between the broadcast service providers and the audiences.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jitendra Kumar Sharma

Jitendra Kumar Sharma obtained his doctorate under the direction of Canadian Media Tinker, Marchall Mcluhan, and was associated with Mcluhan’s Centre for Culture and Technology, University of Toronto. Guelph and McGill Universities. He has been a visitsing Professosr at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, and at present, he is an Academic Counsellor with the Indira Gandhi National Open University Study Centre at Rohini, New Delhi. E has authored India Unbound, Time and T.S. Eliot, Doctor Faustus: A Vedantist Interpretation, Divided Lands of Asia, and Ethics of Journalism in Transition. He has published essays in leading scholarly academic journals in India, Europe and the USA. Professor Sharma is an advocate of interaction between education and technology, and has introduced innovative techniques for imparting training to professional groups, including politicians and administrators in the pioneering days when communication was not a descipline in the Indian universities. He is a freelance journalist and has contributed editorial page articles to leading dailies such as the Hindustan Times, the Statesman, Hamilton Spectator and to political weeklies. He has visited more than sixty countries of the world and organized for a for advancement of human rights.


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Digital Broadcasting Journalism
1st ed.
viii+311p., Appendices; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.