The present set of two volumes represent cutting edge thinking by leading experts in the field who are currently affiliated either with an academic library or with a graduate school of library and information science. The purpose of this set is to provide access to the best current critical thinking about digital reference services. Intended for librarians and other information professionals, it focuses both on the theoretical aspects of defining digital reference services, and the evolving service and technical aspects of developing, managing and evaluating them. It reflects many of the comments and suggestions made by reviewers and other library and information science professionals and educators. It is hoped that this text will be useful not only to students of library and information science but also to practicing librarians. Readers new to the filed as well as those already managing reference services will find valuable information and advice from leading thinkers and practitioners in the emerging filed of digital reference.
Encyclopaedia of Indian Tribal Ethnography (In 2 Volumes)
Ethnography is a form of ...
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