Dimensions of Economic Development

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The book presents a bevy of papers on economic development issues examined from spatial and sectoral perspectives. The analyses range from the global to the local. Questions of equity–income distribution, conservation of the environment and gender justice–have recieved special attention. Equity questions are examined also in the national context with reference to educational subsidies. Efficiency issues are discussed using the example of the performance of the transport undertakings in the different states. Problems of economic development of the state of Kerala are discussed in several chapters. In a few cases such as taxation and agricultural production, the analysis is made in a comparative setting. The other chapters deal with industrial stagnation, unemployment and poor performance of public sector enterprises and industrial cooperatives and also a chapter on people’s participation in development planning in Kerala.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR P.R. Gopinathan Nair

P.R. Gopinathan Nair, currently Honorary Fellow at the Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, was formerly Head of the Department of Economics and Dean of Social Sciences, in the University of Kerala.


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Dimensions of Economic Development
1st. Ed.
xi+286p., Tables; Figs.