Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: Man of Millennium for Social Justice

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This book discusses the assumption that Bharat Ratna Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the Chief Architect of Constitution of India, is the man of millennium for social justice, in the sense that he became the deliverer of or the Messiah of the Dalits, the erstwhile untouchables, Other Backward Classes (OBCs), and women, constituting 95% of Hindu population. That big segment of population had been forced to live at a sub-human level from time immemorial, under caste system, sanctioned by Hindu scriptures. First installment of human rights to the most wretched section was caused to be given by Ambedkar in 1932, through Poona Pact signed between him on behalf of Dalits and Madan Mohan Malviya, on behalf of Hindus. He completed the remaining job through Constitution of India of which he became the Chief architect. Another assumption is that the scope of freedom struggle led by Mahatma Gandhi, Father of Nation, and his Congress was limited to the objective of securing transfer of power to only upper castes, on the pattern of Hindu scriptures, and therefore they had barred the social questions from being raised on Congress platform. Final assumption is that Ambedkar is the man of millennium for social justice, since he was the first man in history to successfully lead a tirade of securing social justice to the vast sections of Indian humanity, with the help of a law, which practically repealed the concerned portions of Hindu scriptures.


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Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: Man of Millennium for Social Justice
1st ed.