Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Political Philosophy

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Dr. Ambedkar was not a purely speculative and idealistic political philosopher, in the conventional sense, like Plato and Aristotle. Nevertheless, he developed his own social and political ideas, which were deeply rooted in real human problems and issues, and vital human affairs. His political philosophy attempted to bridge the gulf between theory and practice, materialism and spiritualism. Out of his sense of dejection with the inhuman treatment meted out to his community by the caste Hindus, his mission for the total emancipation of the servile classes from the clutches of the privileged caste Hindus, his total engagement with the predicament of Indian society, evolved Ambedkar’s political ideology. The book aims to juxtapose Ambedkar’s political philosophy and its impact on Indian society and polity with reference to man and society, state and government, nation and nationalism, democracy, socialism, security, social justice, education and emancipation of the downtrodden. However, other aspects of Ambedkar’s political philosophy and his charismatic personality are also incidentally covered.


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Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Political Philosophy
1st ed.
xiv+344p., 23cm.