Dr Radhakrishnan and Christianity: An Introduction to Hindu-Christrian Apologetics

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Radhakrishnan was a Hindu apologist par excellence. Not only did he define Hinduism, but defended it strongly against all criticism, especially from the Christian scholars. It is the apologist rather than the philosopher in Radhakrishnan, which is the subject matter for this book, although it is not an easy task separating the two. Why did Radhakrishnan become an apologist of Hinduism, i.e. a strong defender of his faith? How did he carry out the Counter Attack from the East? What was the role of Madras Christian College in shaping the life, thought and career of Radhakrishnan? How objective is his thesis that Hinduism and Buddhism have indirectly influenced Christian religion and thought? Is Christ of faith more important than Jesus of history? Is Jesus no more than an enlightened Sage or an ideal Teacher? Should a Hindu-Christian dialogue be based on comparisons or contrasts? These are some of the questions addressed in this book.


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Dr Radhakrishnan and Christianity: An Introduction to Hindu-Christrian Apologetics
1st ed.