Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia: The Real Socialist

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Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia was a great freedom fighter, a veteran socialist, and a visionary thinker. He had warm bonds with Gandhiji and on his thought process there are deep imprints of Gandhian concepts of nonviolence, decentralization, civil disobedience and satyagraha. With the collapse of communist regimes and severe crisis faced by market economy, globalization and capitalism, Lohia’s theory of ‘equal-irrelevance’ of and ‘equal-distance’ from capitalism and communism is vindicated. Lohia occupied a unique place in the evolution of the socialist thought in India. He was the first socialist thinker in India who refused to accept the Russain or western model of Socialism for India. This book deals with the great life and his social thoughts in great detail.

Contents: Preface. 1. Introduction to the great life. 2. Concept of socialism. 3. Lohia’s socialism. 4. Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia: A rebel socialist and a visionary thinker. 5. Dr. Lohia’s thought. 6. Socialist thinking of Ram Manohar Lohia. 7. Lohia’s views and political works. 8. Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia’s contributions to Civil liberty. 9. Lohia’s conception of international society. 10. Lohia’s concept of socialism and economic ideas. 11. Dr. Lohia: towards ‘new socialism’. 12. Lohia’s view on caste inequality. 13. The reformer Lohia. Bibliography. Index.


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Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia: The Real Socialist
1st ed.