Dealing with the dynamics and development of remote and complex settings of human habitation this book can be of considerably deep interest and fruitful use to many kinds of people. It may be most appealing mainly to the choice of development planners, policy makers, environmentalists, agriculturists, silviculturists, conservationists, economists, social scientists, anthropologists and extension workers. Researchers, teachers and students involved in the above subjects may find it a significantly useful reference document. Some advanced and progressive farmers and learned tourists too might consider the book substantially beneficial. The book should serve as a source of valuable insights for people interested in classical, traditional and indigenous knowledge systems, informal community-based institutions, cosmovision, organic farming, appropriate technology, green productivity and such development paradigms as ecodevelopment, endogenous development and sustainable development.
Biodiversity in the Eastern Himalayas: Conservation Through Dialogue: Summary Reports of Workshops on Biodiversity Conservation in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Ecoregion
Nature blooms, sings, crawls ...
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