In today’s dynamically automated and constantly progressing world, there is cutthroat competition among companies and business houses in the world. This book explores how advanced IT tools can enhance the level of Government services. Electronic Government has the powerful ability to change the Government’s interaction with its citizens and businesses in a new style. The book deals with E-government as an upcoming trend in Government automation processes. The book content concentrates on building an efficient E-government, thus making it more competitive, efficient and productive. The book focuses on implementation of E-government in developed nations. The book, which is spread across three sections, captures the essence of modern Information Technologies such as World Wide Webs, Internet and Mobile Computing to reach out to citizens with its relevance in the internal functioning of the Government. The articles in these sections also throw light on the difference between E-Governance and E-government. The last section concludes by offering future visions for E-government applications around the globe. The book consists of several excellent articles touching upon different aspects in E-government adaptation processes. The articles highlight the need for an effective framework for building efficient E-government applications. It provides a list of developed nations who have successfully implemented E-government. The book observes the conditions that give rise to the efficient implementation of E-government in different developed nations across the globe. This book is an effort to discuss the main aspects of the implementation of E-government in various developed nations in a comprehensive manner for the readers. The book will form an interesting read for academicians, bureaucrats, software professionals, research laboratories, politicians & decision makers and Government organizations and institutions.
E-Government in Developed Nations: An Insight
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E-Government in Developed Nations: An Insight
1st ed.
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