Human being is addicted to power: Power over other human beings. This vice manifests itself in various forms, such as, Economic Power, Politics of Power, Priestly Power and Knowledge as a Source of Power etc. When, Siddhartha Gotama was born, the royal astrologer predicted that either he would become a Universal Monarch or attained Sambodh’i and thus become the Buddha Obviously, the prediction pointed to the enormous energy inherent in the child Gotama. And, we know the young Gotama refused to be an addict to power. Being an heir apparent, he turned his back on Kapilavastu the capital of his father’s kingdom and a seat of Power in preference to search for the Truth-Truth of Nibbdna (skt : Nirvana), a state of extinction of flame of craving or Tanhd predominantly a craving for Power. Gotama, now, Gotama the Buddha, who discovered, and delineated the Path, for others as well, leading to the transformation of energy finally in to Compassion directly opposed to the impulse of Power. This book describes, in comparative light and in the background of humanistic tradition based on Pali tipitaka, all that is essential to know about Gotama the acharya manussa, who like lion roared the Four Noble Truths (cattdri arya saccani) to the four corners of the world, underlying the noble message of Compassion (Karund) for All.
Dalai Lama: A Talkathon Scroll
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