Ecology and Social Formation in Ancient History

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR D. K. Bhattacharya

Dr. Bhattacharya, a veteran teacher in the Department of anthropology, University of Delhi, has spent several years in various Laboratories, Museums and Universities in Europe to compile a voluminous reference book on Palaeolithic Europe, which has been published in early 1977 from Holland. He has also taken keen interest in trying to undo the unpopularity of Indian prehistory in the west. He feels the main malady for this neglect is our total disregard of standard methods of research and reporting. In order to help this he has worked on a book of Palaeolithic typology. Which is shortly going to be published. He has studied by now tens of thousands of tools from classic sites in Europe and India and is totally utilizing this hard earned knowledge in trying to improve the teaching of Pre-historic Archaeology in India. His other publications are: 1) Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology, 1977; 2) Palaeolithic Europe, 1977.


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Ecology and Social Formation in Ancient History
1st ed.