Economic Botany

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The ability of humankind to exploit the natural resources around him to his advantage has indeed made humans the most successful organism on Planet earth. To solve the food problem, the protein deficiency in food stuffs; and new introduction of plants to cultivation for increased production; may all seem to have great potential value in economic botany apart from the humanistic problems. This book ‘economic Botany’ incorporates review and research articles on varied aspects of economic botany in 20 chapters. One section covers articles on medicinal plants, namely, Medicinal Plants: Botany, propagation, diseases and uses; Ethnomedicinal studies of family Asteraceae for their propagation and antimicrobial activity; note on plants used in wounds and activity; Pahrmaceutically significant hypocholesterolemic Spuirulina. Articles on Timber-yielding plants; tannin and dyes from Plants; Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages from Plants; Plant fibres: characteristics and uses; Spices and condiments provide detailed account about various economic uses of plants. Information is provided on conservation and management strategies for medicinal and threatened plant species; Indigenous knowledge of biodiversity used for sustainable development; Application of CITES in the conservation of Indian Phytodiversity; Study of some grasses; Etymological history of some floral elements and on Study of soil and coastal vegetation. Some articles, namely, Tissue culture of a red algae Gelideiella acerosa; protoplast isolation in four species of Ulva; Ecological study on the dominant tree and shrub species and Mycotoxib problem in oilseeds provide additional information on the subject. This book will be highly beneficial to students, teachers and research workers in Botany, Agriculture, economic Botany and the common man.


Dr. (Ms) Sampat Nehra, Ph.D., F.M.A., F.B.S, Research Associate, Department of Botany, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, has a brilliant academic career standing first in all examinations. She received her Ph.D. in 2001 on the topic 'Integrated Management of Root-K not Nematode, Meloidogyne incognita Associated with Ginger' under the able supervision of Prof. P.C. Trivedi. Presently, she is working as Research Associate in the CSIR project entitled 'Application of VAM fungi in the management of root-knot nemotode, M. incognita, in bajra', sanctioned to Prof. Trivedi. Dr. Sampat has published more than 30 research papers and review articles in journals of repute. She has edited one book entitled Plant Diseases: Biocontrol Management. Her current major interest includes taxonomy of AM fungi and biocontrol of plant parasitic nematodes using AM fungi. She as selected as Best Research Student at State level by the Indian Science Congress Association, Jaipur Chapter, for the years 2003 and 2004. She is a recipient of merit certificate for best papers presentation in the Indian Botanical Society conference held in Bareilly (2002); awarded by Indian Science congress Association for best poster presentation at annual meeting held at Bangalore (2003) and Chandigarh(2004); and by Indian Phytopathological Society (2004). She is a member of seven reputed scientific societies of India. She was elected as Fellow of Mendelian Academy of Sciences and Indian Botanical Society. She has actively participated in more than 25 national seminars and presented her research work.


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Economic Botany
1st ed.