Economic Offences in India: Impact Analysis

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Economic Offences in India: Impact Analysis, is a comprehensive book dealing with the critical examination of economic offences with special reference to India. It aims to unravel, by investigations and analysis, the indepth structure and organisation of the network of economic offences, their links with other countries and their mode of operation. The book is divided into 10 chapters. Each chapter deals with the basic facts and issues associated with different types of economic offences such as capital market frauds, white collar crimes, money laundering, cyber-crime and IPR infringements. It further examines, analyses and assesses the impact of economic loss and macroeconomic turbulences like inflation, unemployment, poverty, diversion and distortion of scarce economic resources, international trade relationship etc., caused by it in India. While adapting the interdisciplinary approach to this socio-economic legal problem, the legislations and statutory instruments which are in force in India have also been thoroughly examined and analysed to reach the conclusion. T he book will be immensely useful to students, academicians, researcher and policy makers. It provides a unique interdisciplinary approach to the subject of law and Economics.


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Economic Offences in India: Impact Analysis
1st ed.