This is the Eleventh Value of the series cross-currents of Indian History and Culture which concentrates on the Economic Transformation of India during the last six decades. It has chapters on Economic background, Agriculture, Trade and Commerce, Transport, Tourism and Communication, Energy and Environment, Finance, Food and Planning, labour and Industry and Rural/Urban development and water resources. The Volume is intended to provide a comprehensive view of the economic strides taken by India since the dawn of freedom.
Economic Transformation
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A.N. Kapoor After obtaining M.A., D.Phil, in English from Allahabad University, Dr. Kapoor taught English at Agra and Delhi Universities for over four decades and has edited, compiled and authored more than hundred titles including reference books, encyclopaedias and language dictionaries. His dictionary of geographical terms published in 1955 was the first work of its kind in Hindi. His comprehensive English-Hindi dictionary stands as the crowning work of the four decade long effort. The lexicon is considered a work of tremendous relevance for the entire gamut of bilingual activity, being undertaken in the country as almost all levels of our social system, educational institutions and government department.
A constant collaborator in the intellectual pursuits of her husband V.P. Gupta she is co-author in a number of his publications including an Encyclopaedia of History and Culture of Punjab, and biographical studies of Raja Rammohun Roy, Swami Dayaand Saraswati, Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. A two-volume study of India since independence critically examines the triumphs and tragedies of Indian people during the last fifty five years. These books brought out in both the languages - English and Hindi - have been widely acclaimed as the harbinger of awareness about the ideals of our freedom struggle.
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Bibliographic information
Economic Transformation
1st ed.
Radha Publications, 2007
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