From the preface: "Arecanut Palm (Areca Catechu Linn) is cultivated primarily for its Kernel obtained from its fruit which is chewed in its tender, ripe or processed form. Arecanut belongs to the family palmae. It is native of Malayan Archipelago, Philippines and other East Indian Islands. Commercial cultivation is confined only in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The book is based on the research carried out by the author on Economics of Arecanut Cultivation in Shimoga District-a case study. India is the largest producer of Arecanut in the world. India stands first both in area (57%) and production (53%) of Arecanut in the world. In India, Karnataka State stands first both in the area and production of Arecanut when compared to other states. In Karnataka among the 27 districts, Shimoga district stands first in area under areca cultivation more than 20,000 hectares in 2002. In addition to this, Shimoga district recorded the highest increase in area under Arecanut cultivation in the last decade (1990-91 to 2000-01) as compared to other districts. Apart from this Shimoga district comprises both traditional and non-traditional areas of Arecanut cultivation as compared to other districts. Further Shimoga district very well represents all the stages of Areca Gardens (first, second and third stages) as compared to other districts. It has been brought out that Arecanut is highly remunerative crop in the entire study area and in both the taluks and this was the reason behind rapid area expansion of areca cultivation of both taluks. Namely Sagar and Shimoga despite the high establishment cost in the first stage of the Arecanut Garden.
Agro Industrial Development in Indian Developing Economy
Agriculture is the dominant ...
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